Winners of the Bored Elon Musk Seed Fund

Product Hunt
Product Hunt
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2017


A message from serial inventor Bored Elon Musk:

On August 17th I challenged you to #PitchBoredElon. The ask was simple, help make the world a better place, and alleviate my boredom.

As promised, I have selected the three best submissions (of 5,800 total submissions) and their respective creators to receive an early stage investment of five million seedlings of Kentucky Bluegrass in exchange for 0% of their company.

Piers clearly took the assignment ultra-literally when he opted for an invention that directly impacts seeds. As someone who has committed countless acts of herbicide due to neglect, I will happily contribute my resources to this pragmatic idea.

Future generations will be astounded by the reality of a time that bulbs would actually run out. Bulbs don’t last 100+ years simply because the companies that sell bulbs have decided so. That said, until we reach the light bulb Nirvana of the future, Supriya’s solution is an excellent stopgap.

Should rockets, hyperloops and autonomous vehicles fail to become our standards of travel (unlikely), it’s important that we look at alternative solutions for moving ourselves from point A to point B. Bilal’s idea may seem crazy right now, people said the same thing about cars while they were trotting along dirt paths and inhaling fresh horse excrement.

Congrats to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated. And of course a big thanks to my good friends at Product Hunt for helping host the competition.

We can confirm that Bored Elon’s seed investment has arrived at our office. It will be distributed to Piers, Supriya, and Bilal, along with Glasshole Kitty shirts and Product Hunt stickers. 😺

