The $400,000 Tweet

Product Hunt
Product Hunt
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2019


This piece was originally published by Justin Mitchell on Product Hunt Maker Stories.

Last year, Product Hunt launched its very first Makers Festival. It was Thanksgiving weekend, and we had no idea what would come out of it. However, after a few sleepless nights, we submitted our project and hoped for the best.

We applied under the “Remote Workers” category with Yelling Across Cubicles(YAC), a walkie-talkie app for macOS.

So where did the idea for this come from?

Startup teams and project managers waste time spinning up and planning entire meetings instead of getting work done. This is detrimental, especially for startups, since speed and execution are paramount. We also know building relationships and culture with your team is often not a priority, and in the age of Slack, quick emotionless messages are often used when convenience trumps culture.

YAC is a byproduct of our partially remote, design and development agency based out of Orlando called SoFriendly. So while it did come out of a desire to help remote teams feel more connected, we actually started by scratching our own itch. We have employees all around the world and we found that we felt more connected to employees using voice chat versus just text alone. Our designers and developers felt awkward on camera but didn’t get enough human connection through text. So we invented a way to have a happy medium between a Slack message and a Zoom call.

The response was unreal.

Continue reading this story on Maker Stories

