5 Great Invisible Apps

Product Hunt
Product Hunt
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2016


We all know a great app when we see one. Unless, of course, we don’t. The following five apps are more or less “invisible”—you can text, tweet, and/or email your way through pretty much every errand imaginable with them. Give them a try—once you do, you won’t remember how you ever functioned well without each of these. :-)

1. Magic

Get whatever you want on demand with no hassle, through SMS

The idea behind Magic: text a simple number (83489), and an operator (they are available 24/7) will answer your requests for everything from ordering groceries to booking a flight to getting a late night pizza. The high-end version (Magic+) buys you access to an “ultimate super-human assistant” that can help you pull off extravagant feats, like: handling your personal calendar, ordering on-demand private charters, and buying out of stock items. Really…it’s magic. Give it a try.

2. Assist

Bring the best services to your favorite messaging apps

Assist is similar to Magic in that it helps you get things accomplished with ease, like sending a gift to a friend or getting a ride somewhere. But, it’s different in one major way: you can use it on multiple platforms (SMS, Slack, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram). Need to hire a courier? Or book an event ticket? Or make a restaurant recommendation? Assist has you covered.

3. Peter

Meet Peter, your AI-based business lawyer

Ugh. If you’re an entrepreneur thinking about legal agreements, sometimes you feel like your head is going to explode. Enter: Peter, an “AI-based business lawyer.” This app allows you to perform basic legal jobs, such as request signatures, timestamp documents, and generate contracts without having to pay a lawyer some obscene hourly fee. While it feels a bit nerve-wracking at first to do your legal work with artificial intelligence, you’ll get comfortable with it as soon as you realize how much time (and money) it’ll save you. Just give it a try—you’ll soon see what we mean.

4. Call Frank

Get a call every night to record feedback on your day

Well, this is super interesting. Call Frank is a very simple “invisible” app that will call you at a specified phone number and time every day to give you a chance to record 60 seconds of verbal memories. This is a great solution for those who want to capture their daily lives via photography or the written word, but never quite get around to it. Can you imagine 365 minutes of notes about the big highlights of your past year? Felicity would be proud.

5. @slashgif

A simple search engine for GIFs, built inside Twitter

It’s a pain when you want to reply to a tweet with a GIF…but then have to go find, download, and upload the right one to Twitter. If you‘re familiar with this pain, @slashgif is your new best friend. This tool works just like /giphy on Slack. All you have to do is reply to a tweet with your search query (i.e. “@slashgif Super Bowl”), and the bot will instantly produce a (mostly) related GIF.

Looking for more invisible apps? Find the full collection on Product Hunt:

